Welcome to Legico

Fill in a form below and get primary legal consultation and/or legal services quote from lawyers registered with Legico.

Why Legico?

Only certified attorneys

First consultation - today

First consultation - free

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About Legico

Legico is a specialized platform for legal services, which provides an opportunity for persons faced with legal issues/problems to receive initial legal advice and an offer/quote for the provision of legal services from members of bar associations in Lithuania and other countries. After submitting a request, it is sent to lawyers registered on the platform. Lawyers, familiar with the request, will reply directly to the e-mail address or phone you specified.

All members of Legico are members of the Bar of Lithuania or another country, therefore they meet the highest standards of legal services, as well as the expenses for their legal services in the event of a legal dispute are awarded to the winning party.

With Legico, you can submit your legal inquiry and receive an initial legal consultation free of charge. Later, if necessary, the lawyers will provide further assistance.

Advantages of the platform:

  • No registration required;
  • Only members of Bar associations;
  • Initial consultation / offer of legal services – within a few hours;
  • You pay only for legal services rendered;
  • You receive personalized offers tailored to your legal question/problem;
  • You choose from several offers/consultations;

For users, the platform is a convenient way to find legal assistance and choose from several offers.

For lawyers, the biggest advantage of the platform is the opportunity to increase their client base and receive inquiries from numerous jurisdictions.

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